It's All About Character
A most excellent post about the recent scandal in the Arizona State Treasurer's Office here.
State Treasurer David Petersen is just another theocrat who believes that he can break the law to further his religious and political ends. Do these folks believe in a god that is so impotent that it is necessary to lie, cheat, and steal on his behalf?
State Treasurer David Petersen is just another theocrat who believes that he can break the law to further his religious and political ends. Do these folks believe in a god that is so impotent that it is necessary to lie, cheat, and steal on his behalf?
Woah, guess I've been told. Are someone's Jesus Jammies on a bit too tight?
I heard the prayer thing from a pretty reliable source. Do you really think that someone who would use state resources to promote a religious training seminar would be above a little mandatory prayer in the office? I don't.
Sorry labbie, can't endanger the employment of my source, but speaking of the Holy Ghost, I was talking to him just the other day.
He told me that you have a VERY close relationship to Arizona State Treasurer David Petersen. You are 29 years old and are an attorney in Mesa. You served a mission for your church in Guam. You married one of the locals at the time, but have since divorced her. You are about to age out of the Singles Ward and are currently trolling about for Mollys on internet dating BB's.
At least I hope it was the Holy Ghost I was talking to. Could it be ... The Adversary?
BTW, I believe you when you say that David Petersen will never resign. You would certainly know how stubborn he is.
labbie wrote: “have never married a local, (Thank the Prophet!)”
And here I thought you loved and admired the people of Guam! That sounds rather racist to me.
So what ever became of your former spouse, Ejelok kubaak? Or were you lying on your "mission statement"?
Sounds like you had some luck at Single Saints. Good for you!
I wasn't suggesting that you did anything bad to be kicked out of the Singles Ward. I thought that happened automatically once you hit the big 3-O.
Hee hee, nerd days == google now. Such a devaluation of both nerd days and google!
toc001 said...
"Zelph, is labbie threatening to terminate the employment of a state employee? Wouldn't that be another abuse of the public trust?"
Not only that, it would be witness tampering, wouldn’t it counselor?
Isn’t there some old legal saying that "a son who represents his father in court has a fool for a client"? Well, there should be.
You’re a wet behind the ears attorney with little actual court experience. Terry Goddard will have you for lunch.
labwiroro said...
"Woo-oo, looks like you two boys got yer panties in a twist. Zelph, I didn't serve in Guam, I was in the Marshall Islands. Ejelok kubaak means "no wife", roughly translated. But you must have known that, right?"
I am SO red-faced. My Marshallese isn't what it used to be.
labwiroro said...
"As always, it was nice lowering myself to your dim levels of dialogue. And, now that I have shared, anything I should know about you? Come on, you know you want to..."
My secret temple name is Ezekiel, what’s yours? My friends call me Zeke, but you can call me Ezekiel.
Why don’t you do what I did? Google my blogger name, “Zelph”?
labbie said ...
"And who knows, the next time you get caught with your pants down...I would be happy to advise you!"
Hmm, never really had this happen. Projecting a little, are we?
Here's a little essay that might help. I know it can be rough when you're not getting any. (Assuming that you're remaining chaste until marriage, that is.)
Anyway, thanks, but I prefer competent legal representation.
For those still wondering who "labbie" is:
Expresso Pundit
February 22, 2006
Breaking News
Treasurer Petersen Won't seek Reelection
I spoke to Paul Petersen, Treasurer David Petersen's son and attorney, this afternoon and Paul indicated that Treasurer Petersen will not seek re-election.
"He wants to do what's best for the Party."
"He's going to fight to clear his name and if there ultimately is an investigation, he wants to remove any political component and make sure that it is handled professionally. He is confident that he can be cleared if that's the case."
you're an idiot, and all your big boy talk gives me a headache.
I am so mad at myself for wasting my time reading you smart-ass comments.
Were you hurt by the mormon church? Oh, so sad, sounds like you will never grow up and get over it. What a waste of a life, well hope you get one soon.
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